NEET MCQ for Biology 12

NEET MCQ for Biology 12

Q.1.Which among the following is true regarding fraternal twins?
A) They may look similar but are not genetically identical
B) They are exactly similar but are not genetically identical
C) They are exactly similar and are genetically identical
D) None of the above

Q.2.Syndesmology is the study of which of the following?
A) Muscles
B) Joints of bones and ligaments
C) Earthquake
D) Snakes

Q.3.How many numbers of bones are present in the middle ear?
A) Two
B) Three
C) Six
D) Nine

Q.4.Only right aortic arches are present in ____.
A) Reptilia
B) Mammals
C) Birds
D) Fishes

Q.5.In certain diseases antibiotics are administered. The object is
A) Stimulate production of white blood cells for fighting the disease
B) Stimulate production of antibodies
C) Inhibit the growth of bacteria
D) Produce toxins against bacteria

Q.6.What is the role of dendrites in neurons?
A) Send messages from all the senses to the brain
B) Receive many signals from other neurons
C) Carry messages from the brain to all the muscles
D) Carry both sensory and motor nerves

Q.7.How many red blood cells does the bone marrow produce every second?
A) 2 Million
B) 5 Million
C) 7 Million
D) 10 Million

Q.8.Which of the following is the function of cones in the eye?
A) Secretion and balances
B) Vision in darkness
C) Monocular vision
D) Vision in the high beam light and colour differentiation

Q.9.VP shunt is the Surgical Management for
A) Spina bifida
B) Brain tumor
C) Hydrocephalus

Q.10.Which of the following diseases can be transmitted to humans during milking?
A) Foot and mouth disease
B) Smallpox
C) Ranikhet
D) Cowpox

Q.11.Which is the largest endocrine gland of the body?
A) Thymus gland
B) Pineal gland
C) Thyroid gland
D) Adrenal gland

Q.12.Which of the following hormone are surges that trigger ovulation?
A) Estrogen
D) Progesterone

Q.13.Which organ is affected by typhoid?
A) Liver
B) Spleen
C) Muscles
D) All of the above

Q.14.Which of the following plants are used as green manure in crop fields and sandy soils?
A) Dicanthium annulatum and Azolla pinnata
B) Crotalaria junecea and Alhagi camelorum
C) Calotropis procera and Pitylanthus niruri
D) Saccharum munja and Lantana camara

Q.15.Which of the following bacterium causes crown gall disease in plants?
A) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
B) Pseudomonas fluorescens
C) Bacillus thurigiensis
D) None of the above

Q.16.Knee chest position is also known as
A) Simos
B) Trendelenburg position
C) Genu- dorsal
D) Genu-pectora

Q.17.Insulin is a kind of ____:
A) Hormone
B) Enzyme
C) Protein
D) Vitamin

Q.18.Plant tissues are of how many types?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

Q.19.Clove, the commonly used spice, is obtained from the _____:
A) Fruit
B) Flower bud
C) Stem
D) Root

Q.20.Vitamin C is also known as ____:
A) Ascorbic acid
B) Amino acid
C) Acetic acid
D) Azelaic acid

Q.21.Tibia is a part of ____:
A) Hand
B) Skull
C) Leg
D) Arm

Q.22.Algal bloom results from _____:
A) Salination
B) Global warming
C) Eutrophication
D) Biomagnification

Q.23.Anti-tubercular drug contraindicated during pregnancy is
A) Isoniazid
B) Rifampicin
C) Streptomycin
D) Ethambutol

Q.24.Riboflavin is a/an _____:
A) Fatty acid
B) Enzyme
C) Vitamin
D) Hormone

Q.25.Antibiotics are useful for which type of infections?
A) Only Virus
B) Only Bacteria
C) Both Bacteria and virus
D) Neither Bacteria nor virus

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