NEET MCQ for Biology 18

NEET MCQ for Biology 18

Q.1.Which of the following is not a producer
A) Spirogyra
B) Agaricus
C) Volvos
D) Nostoc

Q.2.Carbohydrates in the plants are stored in the form of
A) Glycogen
B) Starch
C) Glucose
D) Maltose

Q.3.The organelles involved in photorespiration are
A) Glyoxysomes, chloroplast and mithondria
B) Chloroplast, peroxisome and glythisome
C) Mitochondria, peroxisome and glyoxysomes
D) Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisome

Q.4.It has been demonstrated by the scientists that, certain wines such as Red Wine posses health benefits because they contain antioxidants,which work in the body as Free Radical Scavengers and slow the oxidation of other molecules by capturing the free radicals. Which among the following is the most common antioxidant found in Red Wine?
A) Catechin
B) Tetrodotoxin
C) Polyphenol
D) Tocopherol

Q.5.Pyorrhoea is a disease of the
A) Nose
B) Gums
C) Heart
D) Lungs

Q.6.Which among the below is not a food plant?
A) Allium cepa
B) Allium sativum
C) Asparagus officinalis
D) Atropa belladona

Q.7.Why do the bacteria develop resistance after slowly being exposed to a particular antibiotic?Due to mutation in genes Due to Horizontal Gene Transfer Due to Vertical Gene Transfer Choose the correct option:
A) Only 1
B) Only 1 & 2
C) Only 2 & 3
D) 1, 2 & 3

Q.8.The Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is commonly known as
A) Foot & Mouth Disease
B) Mad Cow Disease
C) Fog fever
D) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Q.9.Which among the following disease has the minimum incubation period, comparing to other ones?
A) Small Pox
B) Influenza
C) Measles
D) Mumps

Q.10.Consider the following statements: Color blindness is more common in men Color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait If both the X chromosomes are defective,a woman may have color blindness which among the above statements are correct:
A) 1 Only
B) 1 & 2
C) 2 & 3
D) All are correct

Q.11.Cells were first discovered by
A) Purkinje
B) Robert Hooke–
C) Schleiden
D) Virchow

Q.12.Which animal never drinks water in its entire life?
A) Kangaroo
B) Hippopotamus
C) Rat
D) Kangaroo rat

Q.13.“Pratham” the first animal born in 1990 by the IVF (In vitro Fertilization) at the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal was a
A) Cow
B) Buffalo
C) Sheep
D) Goat

Q.14.Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants of which several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong to
A) Angiosperms
B) Gymnosperms
C) Monocotyledons
D) Dicotyledons

Q.15.Process of cell division can take place by
A) Heterosis
B) Fusion
C) Mitosis
D) None of these

Q.16.Which type of carbohydrate provide roughage and helps in movement of bowel.
A) Starch
B) Sucrose
C) Cellulose
D) Fructose

Q.17.Which hormone is known as ’emergency hormone”?
A) Adrenaline
B) Melatonin
C) Serotonin

Q.18.Plants are killed in winter by frost
A) Because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues
B) Because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature
C) Because respiration ceases at such low temperature
D) Because there is no transpiration

Q.19.Which glands secrete tears?
A) Adrenal glands
B) Thymus glands
C) Pineal gland
D) Lachrymal glands

Q.20.(1) Arteries carry carbon dioxide rich blood from the heart to lungs.
(2) Veins are the vessels which carry carbon dioxide rich blood from all parts of the body back to the lungs.
(3) Arteries carry oxygen rich blood from heart to all parts of the body.
(4) Veins have thick walls. Which of the above statements is correct?
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 3 and 4
D) Only 3

Q.21.Which of the following animals do not have jaws?
A) Mammals
B) Protochordates
C) Reptiles
D) Birds

Q.22.Which of the following is not responsible for the formation of chromosomes?
B) Proteins.
D) Endoplasmic reticulum.

Q.23.Who gives the Red List?

Q.24.Which of the following day is celebrated as ‘World AIDS Day’?
A) 31st March.
B) lst March
C) lst December
D) 31st December

Q.25.In angiosperms regarding development of microgametophyte each microspore mother cell undergoes
A) Mitosis to produce 4 microspores
B) Two successive mitosis to form 4 microspores
C) Two successive meiotic division to form 4 microspores
D) Meiosis to produce 4 haploid microspores

NEET MCQ Biology -1
NEET MCQ Biology -2
NEET MCQ Biology -3
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