M2-R5 O Level Most Important Question and Answer

M2-R5 O Level Most Important Question and Answer

91-In how many way border-image-width CSS property can be defined?
A) 4
B) 6
C) 8
D) 9 ✔️

92-Which of the following is not an appropriate value for border-collapse?
A) all ✔️
B) collapse
C) inherit
D) separate

93-Which of the following specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent cells?
A) border-spacing-cell
B) border-width-spacing
C) border-spacing ✔️
D) cell-spacing

94-Which of the following property defines the border-width, border-style and border-color of an element’s top border in a single declaration?
A) border
B) border-top ✔️
C) border-top-corner
D) border-top-style

95-Which of the following CSS property is used to set the text formatting?
A) font
B) font-style
C) text-decoration ✔️
D) all of the mentioned

96-Which of the following sets the color of any text decoration, such as underlines, overlines, and strike throughs?
A) text-font
B) text-format
C) text-color
D) text-decoration-color ✔️

97-Which of the following sets what kind of line decorations are added to an element, such as underlines, overlines, etc?
A) text-style ✔️
B) text-decoration
C) text-line
D) text-decoration-line

98-Which of the following text-decoration value specifies each line of text has a line above it?
A) line
B) underline
C) overline ✔️
D) blink

99-Which of the following
A) text-overline
B) text-overline-decoration
C) text-overline-width ✔️
D) text-decoration-overline-width

100-Which of the following CSS property determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is signaled to the users?
A) text-flow
B) text-underflow
C) text-overflow ✔️
D) None of the mentioned

101-Which of the following sets the mode for the overline text decoration, determining whether the text decoration affects the space characters or not?
A) text-decoration
B) text-mode-overflow ✔️
C) text-mode
D) text-overline-mode

102-Which of the following specifies what parts of an element’s content are skipped over when applying any text decoration?
A) @font-text
B) font-style
C) text-skip
D) text-decoration-skip ✔️

103-Which of the following is not a appropriate value for text-overline-width?
A) thin
B) medium
C) <number>
D) None of the mentioned ✔️

104-Which of the following property applies one or more drop shadows to the text?
A) text-shadow ✔️
B) text-effect
C) text-format
D) text-decoration-shadow

105-Which of the following property sets the size of the font?
A) font-size ✔️
B) font-variant
C) font-style
D) font-weight

106-By applying an_____a style can be applied to just a single tag.
A) class rule
B) element rule
C) id rule ✔️
D) None of the mentioned

107-The_____attribute is used to define the name(s) of the class(es) to which a particular tag belongs.
A) class ✔️
B) element
C) id
D) None of the mentioned

108-What will be the output of below mentioned code snippet?
p strong {background-color: yellow;}
A) Strong have yellow background
B) Strong element within a p element have a yellow background
C) Both p and strong have yellow background ✔️
D) None of the mentioned

109-A similar rule called the____is specified using the plus sign (+) and is used to select elements that would be siblings of each other.
A) class selectors
B) attribute selectors
C) adjacent-sibling selector ✔️
D) none of the mentioned

110-Which of the following selectors selects any tag with an id attribute set?
A) E#id
B) .class
C) #id ✔️
D) *

111-Which of the following selectors selects direct descendents?
A) E &gt; F ✔️
B) E F
C) E + F
D) E ~ F

112-Which of the following selectors selects siblings?
A) E.class
B) E ~ F ✔️
C) *
D) E, F, G

113-Which of the following selectors selects the specified elements of type E with a particular class value?
A) E.class ✔️
B) E ~ F
C) *
D) E, F, G

114-Which of the following selectors selects adjacent siblings?
A) E &gt; F
B) E F
C) E + F ✔️
D) E ~ F

115-Which of the following CSS property defines the different properties of all four sides of an element’s border in a single declaration?
A) border
B) padding
C) border-collapse
D) border-width ✔️

116-Identify the CSS property defining bottom-left corner shape of the border?
A) border-radius
B) border-corner-radius
C) border-bottom-left-radius ✔️
D) border-left-radius

117-Select the CSS property that sets the width of an element’s bottom border?
A) border-width
B) border-bottom
C) border-width-down
D) border-bottom-width ✔️

118-Which of the following CSS property border-color property sets the color of an element’s four borders?
A) border-background
B) border-background-color
C) border-color ✔️
D) all of the mentioned

119-Choose the CSS property that can be used for collapsing the borders between table cells?
A) border
B) collapse-border
C) border-collapse ✔️
D) border-cell

120-Which CSS property can be used to set the image as border instead of the border style?
A) background-image
B) border-image
C) background-image-source
D) border-image-source ✔️


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