NIELIT M2-R5 O Level CSS Objective Questions and Answer

NIELIT M2-R5 O Level CSS Objective Questions and Answer

61-Which of the following element is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements like audio and video?
A) <source> ✔️
B) <link>
C) <script>
D) <src>

62-Which of the following Protocol enables a hyperlink to access a file on the local file system?
A) https
B) ftp
C) file ✔️
D) telnet

63-Which of the following element is used for linking a External Files to the html page?
A) <script>
B) <style>
C) <link> ✔️
D) all of the above

64.Which of the following attribute specifies the URL of the linked resource?
A) src
B) link
C) rel
D) href ✔️

65-Which of the following color has this value #ff0000?
A) blue
B) green
C) red ✔️
D) yellow

66-Which of the following is the correct way to applying style to a document?
A) Use an external style sheet, either by importing it or by linking to it
B) Directly embed a document-wide style in the head element of the document
C) Set an inline style rule using the style attribute directly on an element
D) All of the mentioned ✔️

67-What will be the output of following code snippet?
<style h1 {color: green;}>
A) h1 heading becomes green
B) error
C) h1 heading disappears ✔️
D) Nothing happens

68-What will be the output of below mentioned code snippet?
<p style=”color: red”>text</p>
A) make that specific paragraph red. ✔️
B) error
C) nothing happens
D) none of the mentioned

69-The___property is used to set the color of the text.
A) pallet
B) colour
C) color ✔️
D) text-decoration

70-Which of the following is the correct way to apply Styles?
A) inside an HTML element
B) inside the section of an HTML page
C) in an external CSS file
D) all of the mentioned ✔️

71-Which of the following CSS list properties is/are correct?
A) Set different list item markers for ordered lists
B) Set different list item markers for unordered lists
C) Set an image as the list item marker
D) All of the mentioned ✔️

72-A____is used to define a special state of an element.
A) pseudo-tag
B) pseudo-element
C) pseudo-id
D) pseudo-class ✔️

73-The_____property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element.
A) align
B) float
C) position ✔️
D) padding

74-Which style is this?
<body style=”background-color: lightcyan”>
A) Inline Styles ✔️
B) External Style Sheet
C) External Style Sheettyle Sheet
D) None of the mentioned

75-What type of selector is used in this case?
p {line-height: 150%;}
A) class Selectors
B) element Selectors ✔️
C) id Selectors
D) none of the mentioned

76-Which of the following CSS3 Color Feature can be used as a macro for whatever the current color is?
A) CurrentColor keyword ✔️
B) HSLa Color
C) HSL Color
D) RGB Color

77-Which of the following CSS3 Color Feature like RGB color but adds an alpha channel value to specify the opacity of the color?
B) RGBa ✔️
C) RGBaplha
D) AlphaRGB

78-Which of the following Color Format is a CSS’s six-digit hexadecimal format is the same as color defined in (X)HTML?
A) 6-Hex Color ✔️
B) 3-Hex Color

79-Which of the following Color Format is a CSS2 introduced named color keywords which allows Web page colors to be matched to an operating system’s color use?
A) HSLa Color
B) Commonly defined named colors
C) System Color Names ✔️
D) Specification defined named colors

80-Which of the following Color Format are a 17 defined colors under CSS 2.1?
A) HSLa Color
B) Commonly defined named colors
C) System Color Names
D) Specification defined named colors ✔️

81-Which of the following Color Format is a CSS colors can also be defined using the keyword rgb, followed by three numbers between 0 and 255, contained in parentheses and separated by commas, with no spaces between them?
A) RGB Color ✔️
B) RGBa Color
C) HSL Color
D) HSLa Color

82-Which of the following Color Format is a CSS3 HSL value with a fourth value to set the alpha channel value for the color to define the opacity of the element?
A) RGB Color
B) RGBa Color
C) HSL Color
D) HSLa Color ✔️

83.Which of the following Selector selects an element if it’s the only child of its parent with its type?
A) @media
B) :target
C) ::selection
D) :only-of-type ✔️

84-Which of the following Selector same as :firstline; changed under CSS3 to make pseudo elements obvious?
A) :first-letter
B) :last-child
C) :first-line
D) ::first-line ✔️

85-What does HSL stands for?
A) Hue Specified Lightness
B) Hue Spot Lightness
C) Hue Saturation Lightness ✔️
D) None of the mentioned

86-Which of the following is not an Absolute Unit?
A) px
B) em ✔️
C) pt
D) mm

87-Which of the following unit represent the viewport’s width?
A) vh
B) vmin
C) vw ✔️
D) ch

88-Which of the following property sets in a shorthand form any or all background properties?
A) color
B) wrap
C) background ✔️
D) all of the mentioned

89-Which of the following Color Format can also be defined using the keyword rgb, followed by three numbers between 0 and 255, contained in parentheses and separated by commas, with no spaces between them?
A) RGB Color ✔️
B) RGBa Color
C) HSL Color
D) HSLa Color

90-Which of the following is not a attribute of the audio element?
A) controls
B) src
C) check ✔️
D) loop


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