MCQ Fundamental of Computer

MCQ Fundamental of Computer

1.Digital devices are
A) Digital Clock ✔️
B) Automobile speed meter
C) Clock with a dial and two hands
D) All of them
2.Which of the following is not valid statement?
A) Hard is referred to mean something temporary
B) Hard is used to mean something tangible ✔️
C) Soft is used to mean something permanent
D) Soft is used to mean something tangible
3.Primary memory stores
A) Data alone
B) Programs alone
C) Results alone
D) All of these ✔️

4.WAN stands for
A) WAP Area Network
B) Wide Area Network ✔️
C) Wide Array Net
D) Wireless Area Network

5.After copying the content how many times can you paste?
A) 1
B) 16
C) 32
D) Many ✔️

6.An error in computer data is called
A) Chip
B) Bug ✔️
D) Storage device

7.1 nibble equals to
A) 1 bits
B) 2 bits
C) 4 bits ✔️
D) 8 bits

8.The instructions for starting the computer are house on
A) Random access memory
B) CD-Rom
C) Read only memory chip ✔️
D) All of above

9.Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as
A) Paper tapes ✔️
B) Magnetic tape
C) Punched papers tape
D) Card punch

10.Which American computer company is called Big Blue?
A) Microsoft
B) Compaq Corp
C) IBM ✔️
D) Tandy Svenson

11.The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform
A) Arithmetic Operation
B) Logic operation
C) Fetch operations
D) Either of the above ✔️

12.It was in 2028 BS the was brought in to calculate
census data.
A) IBM 1400
B) IBM 1401 ✔️
C) ICL 2950
D) None of above

13.Who is the inventor of ABC Computer?
A) John v. Atanasoff
B) Clifford Berry
C) Both of above ✔️
D) None of above

14.Find out who is not the inventor of transistors among following names
A) John Burdeen
B) William Shockley
C) Walter Brattain
D) Lee de Forest ✔️

15.Which of the following is the largest unit?
A) Data
B) Field
C) Record
D) Database file ✔️

16.Which of the following is not true for a magnetic disk?
A) It is expensive relative to magnetic tape
B) It provides only sequential access to stored data ✔️
C) Users can easily update records by writing over the old data
D) All of above

17.The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called
D) All of above

18.A disadvantage of the laser printer is
A) It is quieter than an impact printer
B) It is very slow
C) The output is of a lower quality
D) None of the above ✔️

19.Which access method is used to access cassette tape?
A) Direct
B) Sequential
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

20.Which unit holds data temporarily?
A) Input unit
B) Secondary storage unit
C) Output Unit
D) Primary Memory Unit ✔️

21.A Compiler is __
A) A combination of computer hardware
B) A program which translates from one high-level language to another
C) A program which translates from one high-level to a machine level language ✔️
D) None of these

22.The computer size was very large in
A) First Generation ✔️
B) Second Generation
C) Third Generation
D) Fourth Generation

23.Which of the following is not computer language?
A) High level language
B) Medium level language ✔️
C) Low level language
D) All of the above

24.A name or number used to identify storage location devices?
A) A byte
B) A record
C) An address✔️
D) All of above

25.Reading data is performed in magnetic disk by
A) Read/write leads ✔️
B) Sectors
C) Track
D) Lower surface

26.Which of the following is not electro-mechanical computer?
A) Mark I
C) Zuse

27.IBM 7000 digital computer
A) Belongs to second generation
B) Uses VLSI
C) Employs semiconductor memory
D) Has modular constructions ✔️

28.The term ‘computer’ is derived from
A) Greek language
B) Sanskrit language
C) Latin language ✔️
D) German language

29.Which of the following is first generation computer?
B) IBM 1401
C) CDC 1604
D) ICL 2950

30.A hard copy would be prepared on a
A) Line printer ✔️
B) Dot matrix Printer
C) Typewriter terminal
D) All of the above

31.Which statement is valid about magnetic tape?
A) It is a plastic ribbon
B) It is coated on both sides with iron oxide
C) It can be erased and reused
D) All of above ✔️

32.The term GIGO is relating to which characteristics of computers?
A) Speed
B) Automatic
C) Accuracy ✔️
D) Reliability

33.To locate a data item for storage is
A) Field
B) Feed
C) Database
D) Fetch ✔️

34.Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers?
A) Charles Babbage
B) Dr. Herman Hollerith
C) Howard Aikin
D) Joseph Jacquard ✔️

35.Which of the following programming language were used in first generation computers?
A) Machine language ✔️
B) Assembly language
C) Both of above
D) None of above

36.Hard disk is coated in both sides with
A) Magnetic metallic oxide ✔️
B) Optical metallic oxide
C) Carbon layer
D) All of the above

37.An input /output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is
A) Keyboard
B) Terminal ✔️
C) Printer
D) Plotter

38.Which of the following term means to reckon?
A) Putare ✔️
B) Com
C) Computa
D) Computar

39.Which of the following is not an output device?
A) Scanner
B) Printer
C) Flat Screen
D) Touch Screen ✔️

40.Computer professionals working in a computer centre are
A) Software
B) Firmware
C) Hardware
D) Humanware ✔️

41.A name or number used to identify a storage location is called
A) A byte
B) A record
C) An address ✔️
D) All of above

42.The first general purpose electronic computer in the world was
D) All of above

43.The contents of information are stored in
A) Memory data register ✔️
B) Memory address register
C) Memory arithmetic registers
D) Memory access register

44.Which was the world’s first microcomputer that used Intel 80386 microprocessor chip?
B) HP-9830
C) DeskPro-386 ✔️
D) IBM-360

45.Which of the following is correct full form of BCD?
A) Binary Coded Decimal ✔️
B) Bit Coded Decimal
C) Binary Coded Digit
D) Bit Coded Digit

46.The qualitative or quantitative attribute of a variable or set of variables is termed as
A) Data ✔️
B) Information
C) Both of above
D) None of above

47.Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?
A) Resolution
B) Color depth
C) Refresh rate
D) All of the alcove ✔️

48.Main storage is also called
A) Accumulator
B) Control Unit
C) Register Unit
D) Memory ✔️

49.Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?
A) Terminal ✔️
B) Light Pen
C) Digitizer
D) Mouse

50.Memory unit is one part of
A) Input device
B) Control unit
C) Output device
D) Central Processing Unit ✔️

51.Which statement is valid about computer program?
A) High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute ✔️
B) High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute
C) It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level programs
D) All of above

52.Microprocessors can be used to make
A) Computer
B) Digital systems
C) Calculators
D) All of the above✔️

53.By programmable machine we mean
A) Computers ✔️
B) Modern television
C) Washing machines
D) Anything that can be set to perform different tasks with suitable programs

54.The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured
C) PROM ✔️

55.One of the popular mass storage devices is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?
A) Compactable Read Only Memory
B) Compact Data Read Only Memory
C) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
D) Compact Disk Read Only Memory ✔️

56.Which of the following is a secondary memory device?
A) Keyboard
B) Disk ✔️
D) All of the above

57.Identify the true statement
A) Computers are 100% accurate but it can suffer from GIGO
B) Computers are reliable because they use electronic component which have very low failure rate
C) Computer is never tired and does not suffer from boredom
D) All of above ✔️

58.The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as
A) Hardware
B) Software
C) Firmware
D) ROM ware

A) File Translation
B) Format Translation
C) Formula Translation ✔️
D) Floppy Translation

60.Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?
A) Static RAM
B) Dynamic RAM ✔️

61.Serial access memories are useful in applications where
A) Data consists of numbers
B) Short access time is required
C) Each stored word is processed differently
D) Data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form ✔️

62.What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?
A) Compiler
B) Interpreter
C) Debugger
D) Assembler ✔️

63.In mode, the communication channel is used in both
directions at the same time?
A) Full-duplex ✔️
B) Simplex
C) Half-duplex
D) None of the above

64.The proper definition of a modern digital computer is
A) An electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers ✔️
B) A more sophistic and modified electronic pocket calculator
C) Any machine that can perform mathematical operations
D) A machine that works on binary code

65.Who invented Slide Rules?
A) John Napier
B) William Oughtred ✔️
C) Gottfried Leibnitz
D) Blaise Pascal

66.Memory is made up of
A) Set of wires
B) Set of circuits
C) Large number of cells ✔️
D) All of these

67.Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?
A) Daisy wheel printer
B) Line printer
C) Laser printer ✔️
D) Thermal printer

68.Which of the following is the most powerful computers?
A) Mainframe Computer
B) Mini Computers
C) Micro Computers
D) Super Computers ✔️

69.What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is known as
A) Car
B) Bus V
C) Truck
D) Road

70.In which year was chip used inside the computer for the first time?
A) 1964
B) 1975 ✔️
C) 1999
D) 1944

71.Which term is used to describe RAM?
A) Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
B) Static RAM (SRAM)
C) Video RAM (VRAM)
D) All of the above ✔️

72.Assembly language started to be used from
A) First generation computers
B) Second generation Computers ✔️
C) Third generation computers
D) Fourth generation computers

73.Which of the following is not an XT microprocessor?
A) 8006
B) 8086
C) 8088
D) None of above ✔️

74.Which technology is more reliable?
A) Mechanical
B) Electro-Mechanical
C) Electronic ✔️
D) For reliability it does not matter. So all of above are reliable

75.Hard disk is coated in both side with
A) Magnetic metallic oxide ✔️
B) Optical metallic oxide
C) Carbon layer
D) All of the above

76.Raw facts and figures about any particular topic are
A) Information
B) Facts
C) Data ✔️
D) None of above

77.ASCII stands for
A) American Stable Code for International Interchange
B) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C) American Standard Code for Information Interchange ✔️
D) American Standard Code for Interchange Information

78.A computer can solve more than one kind of problem. This is related to which of the following characteristics?
A) Accuracy
B) Reliability
C) Versatility ✔️
D) Automatic

79.How many symbols exist in Baudot code?
A) 32 ✔️
B) 116
C) 58
D) 76

80.From which generation computers the printers were used?
A) First
B) Second ✔️
C) Third
D) Fourth

81.Following IC chip integrates 100 thousands electronic components per chip
C) LSI ✔️

82.In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibition?
A) 1820
B) 1860
C) 1855 ✔️
D) 1870

83.An application program that helps the user to change any number and immediately see the result of that change is
A) Desktop publishing program
B) Database
C) Spreadsheet ✔️
D) All of above

84.What is the name of the new color laptop computer which is powered by a 386 processor at 33 MHz and is built by Epson?
A) AX3/33 ✔️
B) NEC-20
C) Magnum 2000
D) HCL-3000

85.Which of the following computer is not invented by J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly?

86.In analog computer
A) Input is first converted to digital form
B) Input is never converted to digital form ✔️
C) Output is displayed in digital form
D) All of the above

87.When the company was named IBM?
A) 1914
B) 1924 ✔️
C) 1975
D) None of above

88.Who invented Mark I?
A) Howard Aikin ✔️
B) J. P. Eckert
C) John Mauchley
D) John v. Atanasoff

89.Which of the following storage device can store the largest amount of data?
A) Hard Disks ✔️
B) Flash Disks
C) Blu-Ray Disks

90.ALU is
A) Arithmetic Logic Unit ✔️
B) Array Logic Unit
C) Application Logic Unit
D) None of above

91.When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?
A) 1978
B) 1984
C) 1990
D) 1991 ✔️

92.A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
A) Interpreter
C) Compiler ✔️
D) Simulator

93.The purpose of vacuum tube was to NOT act like
A) An Amplifier
B) A Switch
C) A Router ✔️
D) None of above

94.Which of the following is the most quickly accessible storage?
B) Registers ✔️
C) Disks
D) Pen Drive

95.As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are
A) More expensive ✔️
B) More portable
C) Less rigid
D) Slowly accessed

96.The octal equivalence of 111010 is
A) 81
B) 72 ✔️
C) 71
D) None of above

97.Second generation computers were developed during
A) 1949 to 1955 ✔️
B) 1956 to 1965
C) 1965 to 1970
D) 1970 to 1990

98.Excessive parallel processing is related to
A) First generation
B) Fourth generation
C) Fifth Generation ✔️
D) Third generation

99.What do you call a single point on a computer screen?
A) Cell
B) Element
C) Pixel ✔️
D) Bit

100.Mostly which of the following device is used to carry user files?
A) Floppy Disk ✔️
B) Hard Disk

Fundamental of Computer MCQ-1
Fundamental of Computer MCQ-2
Fundamental of Computer MCQ-3
Fundamental of Computer MCQ-4
Fundamental of Computer MCQ-5
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